Insect GeneJuice Transfection Reagent
Insect GeneJuice<TMSYMBOL></TMSYMBOL> Transfection Reagent is a proprietary liposome formulation optimized for maximal transfection efficiency of Sf9 insect cells. The reagent features extremely low t
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Lipofectamine CRISPRMAX Cas9 Transfection Reagent is the first optimized lipid nanoparticle transfection reagent for CRISPR-Cas9 protein delivery. It is a high-throughput-friendly, cost-effective alte
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全球公认的最高效转染技术,针对免疫细胞、神经细胞、干细胞等几乎所有的难转染细胞系或原代细胞,以及悬浮细胞。 ——Amaxa品牌Nucleofector细胞核转染技术
Performance: building on FectoVIR-AAV for superior AAV titers with commercial scalability. Regulatory compliance: manufactured in compliance with most stringent guidelines. Consistency: manufactured